Manufacturing and Process Consulting

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It is about money.  Period.

You have costs, and you have revenue.  The challenge today is maximizing the difference, the margin.

Are you certain you can see where the opportunities lie?  

I have 40 years in industry, in a variety of positions from the shop floor through the boardroom.

I see the big picture, and can pinpoint the 'opportunities' within your business.

I have a proven track record of delivering effective solutions.

Management Consulting | Fresh Eyes Reviews | Due Diligence Reviews | Project Management | Risk Management 

Change Management | Process Design and Development | Lean Initiatives | Six Sigma Projects | Kaizen Initiatives

5S Initiatives​​

2006 Credentialed 'PMP', Member of Project Management Institute (PMI)

2009 Masters Certificate in Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt, Schulich School of Business, York University